Saturday, March 15, 2008

Coming soon ... to a bookshelf near you!

According to the Internet Movie Database, there are a lot of movies in production or scheduled for release based on books you might already be familiar with. Many of them can be found in our collection, and quite a few are in our Young Adult section.

Note that not all of these movies are scheduled for release soon (some are almost two years away, and others have just been announced). Also, don't take this list as an endorsement of these movies; this is just to let you know what's on the way.

Everyone always says "the book is better than the movie", so take the opportunity to read these books now before the movie comes out!

Click the links for more details...

Wow. That's a lot to look forward to! And that's not counting the upcoming movies based on comics/graphic novels (such as Iron Man, the new Incredible Hulk movie, or Batman: The Dark Knight), or the hundreds of other movies already released based on books (like The Golden Compass, The Lord of the Rings and the other Harry Potters).

So if you want to read the book before you see the movie, give the library a chance. If we don't have it, we can usually get it for you in a week or so through Interlibrary Loan.

We'll be happy to do all we can to make sure you get to read the books you want!

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