Friday, April 25, 2008

In this corner...

Every year, teens are called to vote for their favorite book during Teen Read Week (for 2008, it is October 12-18). The top ten become that year's Teens' Top Ten.

So, I can vote for any book? Not exactly. Click here and scroll down until you get to 2008 Nominations. A few teen book groups around the USA choose these nominations.

Let's say that I have my choice already, but because there are so many nominated books I haven't read, I think I need to do more reading so my decision will be an educated one. ;)

Here's to the reading!

"Breathe" deep...

Hi! This is Miss Jo. I just wanted to tell you about a book I have just read.

It is called Breathe: a ghost story by Cliff McNish. He is a very good author who has also written a trilogy called "The Silver Sequence." These books can be found in the Young Adult Science Fiction section.
Well, back to the book. This is not your normal ghost story. A mother and son move into an old farmhouse after the father dies. This house is inhabited by four ghost children and a Ghost Mother, who is very mean. The Ghost Mother tries to catch the ghost children to suck their souls out of their bodies so she can stay out of the Nightmare Passage. Jack, the young boy who has just moved into the house, can see the ghosts. Because the four children fear and hate her, the Ghost Mother becomes friendly with Jack and tries to sway him to love her -- even more than he loves his own mother.

What will happen to the ghost children? What will happen to Jack and his mother? Will the Ghost Mother end up in the Nightmare Passage? You will have to read the book to find out.

All my babbling will not do this book justice. All I can tell you is that it is a very exciting book, and to this day I am still thinking about it. It was a very sad book, but in the end it turned out better than I was expecting.

You will not be disappointed.

See you at the library!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A few of your favorite things...

mWell, we haven't had much response so far (but it's never too late to correct that -- hint hint), but here are a few of your favorite sites as left in the comments to our "It's Your Turn Now" post...And since we mentioned new CDs as well, I'll just take a second here to plug the new album "Volume One" by She & Him (, the musical project of actress Zooey Deschanel and musician M Ward. I'm really enjoying it.

Keep those contributions coming in!

Behind the scenes of TWILIGHT

MTV has some behind the scenes footage of the making of the TWILIGHT movie and interviews with the actors on their site. If you've been curious to see the actors playing the characters you fell in love with, or if you want to catch some interview footage with Stephenie Meyer, this is a must-see.

Visit MTV's site here for all the goodies:

There's also an older behind-the-scenes clip at Entertainment Tonight Online here:

As always, for more information straight from Stephenie herself, be sure to visit the TWILIGHT movie page on her Website.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Teen Lit Day!

Hey, Young Adult readers!

April 13th-19th is National Library Week. That Thursday -- April 17th -- is Teen Lit Day. To celebrate, we want you to write a blog entry about your favorite YA Lit book...just comment to this blog, bring it to us at the library, or e-mail it to us at, and we'll post it for you.

Of course, the glory is not only in your blog entry being posted, but the best blog will win a special surprise!

So, get typin'! We can't wait to hear what your favorite YA book is.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's your turn now...

We've had JPL TeenLink up and running for about three weeks now, and so far all of the entries have been written by the library staff.

It's time for you to get involved.

If you've read a good book, send us a review so we can post it!

Got a favorite Website that you think others might be interested in? Let us know!

Does your favorite singer or group have a new CD out? We want to know what you thought about it.

What's your favorite movie or TV show? Tell us all about it!

Get involved. This is your place, so let's make it a little more "you".

If you're interested, please send any contributions to with the subject "JPL TeenLink."

(While we would never edit your submission to change your opinion, some submissions may be edited for grammar, spelling, or length if deemed necessary. To help protect your identity, we will use only your first name and last initial to sign your post.)

See you at the TeenLink!