Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's your turn now...

We've had JPL TeenLink up and running for about three weeks now, and so far all of the entries have been written by the library staff.

It's time for you to get involved.

If you've read a good book, send us a review so we can post it!

Got a favorite Website that you think others might be interested in? Let us know!

Does your favorite singer or group have a new CD out? We want to know what you thought about it.

What's your favorite movie or TV show? Tell us all about it!

Get involved. This is your place, so let's make it a little more "you".

If you're interested, please send any contributions to with the subject "JPL TeenLink."

(While we would never edit your submission to change your opinion, some submissions may be edited for grammar, spelling, or length if deemed necessary. To help protect your identity, we will use only your first name and last initial to sign your post.)

See you at the TeenLink!


Klarissa said... is a great site for harry potter fans! i found out about it a few days ago...

Lister said...

Might be of interest to you Twilight saga lovers. It's a band that is Twlight inspired. Pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I finnaly get to see this blog. I have never seen this before nice blog here.