Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ranker's Best Film Adaptations of Young Adult Novels

While looking for information on upcoming films based on YA novels, I came across this list from of "Best Film Adaptations of Young Adult Novels".  How do their rankings stack up? Do you agree?  Disagree?
[This is a] List of best movies based on young adult literature. These films were all inspired by or adapted directly from novels written for a young adult or teenage audience. Many of these books are widely regarded as "classic children's literature" that has been popular and even assigned to students in schools for decades. Others - such as recent hit films like "The Hunger Games" and the "Harry Potter" series - are based on newer works that have become important cultural phenomena in the past few decades. Some of the most popular and beloved of recent Hollywood filmmaking, in particular, originated in stories from young adult books.

The massive success of "The Hunger Games" - which scored one of the highest opening weekend totals in US box office history - has inspired other studios and filmmakers to look to young adult literature for ideas, and a number of other YA books are already set to be adapted in the coming years. (For example, Orson Scott Card's sci-fi thriller "Ender's Game" has long been considered for a big-budget film version.) A few young adult book adaptations came out to considerably less fanfare, such as the first release from the ongoing "Percy Jackson" series - "The Lightning Thief" - but these are widely seen as exceptions rather than the rule.

This list compiles the best films ever made based on books for young adults. Be sure to vote for your favorites and move them up the list, and if your favorite movie based on a book for tweens or teens has been left off, be sure to add it at the bottom of the page.


If you like lists like this, don't miss our previous blog entry about Flavorwire's 10 YA Novel to Film Adapatations That Kept Their Edge.

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