Thursday, August 12, 2010

A "Super"-exciting, action-packed read...

Today, we have a guest review from reader Brittany Nicole. Thanks, Brittany!

TITLE: Super Human

AUTHOR: Michael Carroll

REVIEWED BY: Brittany Nicole

BRIEF SUMMARY: Super Human is about a group of teens fighting to save the world with their powers from an evil superhuman, who was taken from the past and put here to rule the world.

WHY I PICKED IT UP: I like action books and the cover looked really good.

WHY I FINISHED IT: Because every page was filled with more action and I couldn't put it down

WHO I'D GIVE IT TO: My friends.

Sounds like a great read!

Don't forget: if you're interested in reviewing a book for the blog, pick up a review form in the Young Adult section, fill it out, and return it to the library when you're finished. We want your help to keep people informed of the great books we have in our library.

See you at the library!

1 comment:

Ms. Yingling said...

Mr. Carroll certainly writes great action scenes. I'm glad you liked this one!