Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BONE Update...

Remember our review of Bone? No? Well, go read it and we'll wait.

Seriously, go ahead. No hurry.


(Hums. Twiddles thumbs. Cleans fingernails.)

Okay? Back? Read it? Good. We'll continue.

You'll notice that the review said:

Due to its size (1300 pages! -- but believe me, they go fast) and some content that might frighten the younger kids, this book is currently located on the adult side of the library...

Well, things have changed a little. In addition to the original 1300 page one-volume edition, we've been able to buy the the much more manageable 9-volume series, and we've placed these in the Young Adult section. So now you can take the series a piece at a time and enjoy it in all its full-color glory. (That's right, the individual volumes have color illustrations instead of the black and white ones in the one-volume edition.)

Color pictures or not, I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Read it now, before Hollywood tries to make a movie out of it.

See you at the library!

1 comment:

Beth Fehlbaum, Author said...

Hey, I'm dropping in to say HELLO and that I am looking forward to meeting readers at the East Texas Author's Forum on April 16, 2009!
I especially hope to meet lots of teen readers-- although people of all ages enjoy my novel, Courage in Patience, teens especially do.
I'll have copies on hand to sign, too, on April 16!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Beth Fehlbaum, author
Courage in Patience, a story of HOPE..
Ch. 1 is online!