We just wanted to take a few minutes to remind you of some of the services the library offers that can help you out when it comes time to write that report -- or finish that algebra assignment.
- Tutor.com - having a little trouble grasping that new concept in geometry? Having trouble in science class? Need a little help with that essay for English class? Tutor.com can help!
Tutor.com offers free online help from 2pm - 9pm, 7 days a week. All of the tutors are fully trained, qualified not only to help, but to teach the subject they're helping you with. As an added bonus, you can download the entire help session when you're finished, so you can refer to it later to refresh your memory. Great when test time rolls around. And it's free -- just enter your library card number to access. - Texshare Databases/Library of Texas - offers over twenty different online databases providing full text articles from a wide variety of journals, newspapers, magazines, and books; as well as a comprehensive catalog of libraries all over the world. Perfect for doing research when you can't get to the library. Available 24 hours a day! These databases are free, but you'll need to get the login and password from the Circulation Desk to access it.
- Learning Express Library - offers online study guides for college entrance exams, civil service tests, and more. Prepare for your SAT, ACT, or ASVAB (along with many others) whenever you need it -- no more waiting for the study guide to come back to the library. Learning Express Library will automatically score your practice tests and tell you where you need improvemnt. Free -- use your library card to set up an account.
- eAudiobooks - need to read a book for class, but just don't have the time to sit down and read it? There's a good chance that netLibrary offers it as an eAudiobook -- simply check it out and download it to your computer or transfer it to a portable media player and listen to it anywhere you go! This service is free, but you'll need to set up an account through the TexShare Database portal, so make sure you get the login and password from the Circulation Desk.
- Dallas Morning News Historical Archives - offers the original text of the Dallas Morning News from 1885-1977. Great for when you need primary source information for a research paper. This is free; just use your library card number to access it.
Are you noticing a trend here? All of this is available to you for free with your library card! It's all here for you to use from anywhere -- you don't even have to be in the library. (Well, except to get your card and get the login and password for TexShare...) It's like having the library open 24/7 for your convenience!
We hope you'll remember these resources when it comes time to do your homework, or if you just need a little extra help in class. All of these links are available at the library's main Web site here: http://www.jacksonvillelibrary.com. Several of them are also available on the sidebar to the right of this blog.
Remember: We're your library, and we're here to help.
See you at the library!
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