Friday, January 27, 2012

Hey, where's Perry?

TITLE: Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick

AUTHOR: Joe Schreiber


BRIEF SUMMARY: What if the quiet, mousy, mild-mannered foreign exchange student that your family took in turned out to be a cold-blooded assassin?

WHY I PICKED IT UP: Seriously. How can you resist a title like that?

WHY I FINISHED IT: The book started with a bang and never let up until the end. The characters of Perry and Gobi were so well drawn that you connect with them immediately. Yes, Gobi is a trained assassin, but Schreiber takes such great pains to create a fully-realized character that you can't help but love her. This is a very cinematic novel, and I was already trying to cast the characters while reading it.

WHO I'D GIVE IT TO: Anyone who likes action/adventure stories. People with a good sense of humor. The book description on Amazon calls this "Ferris Bueller meets La Femme Nikita", and that's a fair comparison.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: PG-13 level language warning, and a handful of sexual references, although nothing explicit. Also, given that Gobi is an assassin, people do die, often in violent ways. Gobi's back story may be a bit upsetting for some. Definitely aimed at the older YA reader. Still, I would not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone I felt was mature enough to handle it.

See you at the library!

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